Hello friends,
Recently am worked to CryptoStream using MD5Hash related things and I need
to calculate hash of a specified Stream while I was processing its data. I was
trying to resolve various solutions and got some samples and customized that
and resolve it. Here I will go to describe the difficulty and explanation.
Actually I need to get MD5Hash from filestream while
partially reading. Before that we are doing to direct approach.
Along the way I discovered 3 additional methods to calculate
hash – all suitable when you can’t rely on seeking in the stream.
Direct Approach for get Hash from
using (MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create())
md5.ComputeHash (inputStraeam);
String containerHash = BitConverter.ToString(md5.Hash);
return containerHash;
This is the direct approach to calculate hash from data in
stream, but its setback is that after calculating the hash value the stream is
read to the end
If the source stream
was seekable (FileStream, MemoryStream…), you can just seek back and process
the stream normally, but what if you can’t seek in the processing stream?
The block approach
The block approach you can calculate hash for filestream,
You can calculate the hash on the go, using TransformBlock
and TransformFinalBlock methods of MD5 class.
using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create())
byte[] data = new byte[4096];
int numRead = 0;
while ((numRead = inputStream.Read(data,
0, data.length)) > 0)
0, numRead, null, 0);
md5.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, numRead);
string fileHash = BitConverter.ToString(md5.Hash);
fileHash = fileHash.Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
This allows you to calculate the hash
of the data at the same time to entire stream.
The block approach with Container position
The block approach with container position you to
calculate the hash from set the fileStream position to read and end of stream.
using TransformBlock and TransformFinalBlock methods of MD5
string fileHash = string.Empty;
long totalFileStreamFileStreamSize = fileStreamSize;
byte[] data = new byte[4096];
int readAmount = 0;
if (fileStreamSize < data.Length)
= fileStreamSize;
readAmount = data.Length;
using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create())
int numRead = 0;
totalFileStreamFileStreamSize = totalFileStreamFileStreamSize
+ position;
while ((numRead = container.Read(data, 0, readAmount)) > 0)
if ((totalFileStreamFileStreamSize - container.Position)
<= readAmount)
readAmount = (int)(totalFileStreamFileStreamSize - container.Position);
Compute MD5 hash
if (container.Position != totalFileStreamFileStreamSize)
md5.TransformBlock(data, 0, numRead, null, 0);
md5.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, numRead);
fileHash = BitConverter.ToString(md5.Hash);
fileHash = fileHash.Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
The CryptoStream Approach
when we want to calculate hash value of output of your
algorighm and do not have input in form of a stream, you can use
using (MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
using (CryptoStream writerOutputDocument = new CryptoStream(originalDocument, md5, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
while (totalRemaining > 0)
int numRead = inputContainer.Read(buffer, 0, readAmount);
if (numRead < 1)
throw new Exception("Unexpected end of
file readingr.");
writerOutputDocument.Write(buffer, 0,
-= numRead;
if (totalRemaining < buffer.Length)
readAmount = (int)totalRemaining;
Note – when using CryptoStreamMode.Write, you need to
indicate to the hash algorithm that all data is written.
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